What Family Caregivers Need to Know About Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine

Elderly Home Care in Massachusetts

For many senior citizens, family members are the ones who help elderly parents with the chores of daily living. Unlike a paid caregiver, this individual handles the tasks with no official title or recognition and often, no compensation. 

Providing care at home can be a matter of family need. The family believes it would be best to have an adult child provide elderly home care in Massachusetts. However, in these times of COVID-19, the caregivers are at risk for catching and passing on the virus.

Phased-In Vaccinations

This state has a phased-in program of deciding who gets the shot and when. Health care workers and those in assisted living facilities have Phase 1 priority, while seniors living at home are in Phase 2. That leaves their unofficial caregivers waiting until Phase 3 to get protection from the virus.

These relatives offering home care are providing an essential service. They’ve stepped up out of love and obligation. The pandemic only makes it more crucial that seniors get the assistance they need to maintain their health. This involves COVID shots for the elderly and those who are providing care for them.

To address this concern about elderly home care in Massachusetts and vaccinations, the family may want to talk with their doctors.
